Sheikh Sultan bin Muhammad Al Qasimi Allocates Dh2.5 Million Fund for Latest Books at Sharjah Children's Reading Festival


A Dh2.5-million fund has been earmarked for the purchase of the latest books from the Sharjah Children's Reading Festival (SCRF), it was announced on Friday. The move, ordered by His Highness Sheikh Dr Sultan bin Muhammad Al Qasimi, Member of the Supreme Council and Ruler of Sharjah, is a testament to his unwavering commitment to education and knowledge.

As a champion of the knowledge economy, Sheikh Dr Sultan has been a driving force behind many initiatives that promote a culture of reading and learning. The Sharjah Children's Reading Festival is one such initiative that has gained a reputation as a premier event for promoting literacy and a love for reading among children.

The allocation of Dh2.5 million for the purchase of books is a significant investment in the festival's future. It not only enriches the emirate's libraries but also supports participating publishers from around the world. This move will not only benefit the Sharjah Children's Reading Festival but also the broader community, as access to books and knowledge is essential for personal growth and development.

Education and knowledge are the building blocks of a prosperous society. Sheikh Dr Sultan's commitment to investing in these areas is commendable and a testament to his leadership. The allocation of funds for the purchase of books is a step in the right direction and will undoubtedly have a positive impact on the community.

In conclusion, the allocation of Dh2.5 million for the purchase of books for the Sharjah Children's Reading Festival is a welcome move that underscores the importance of education and knowledge. It is a clear signal that Sharjah is committed to promoting a reading culture and investing in the future.


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